Hoping for some spare change, he helps residents carry their packages.
The residents carried everything they could into the surrounding countryside and hid it.
In 2010, 49.9 million residents or 16.3% of the population did not carry health insurance.
Yet with few businesses here, residents carry most of the district's $37.7 million budget.
While 7 residents carry the last name Camenzind, or about 4 percent.
On the day of the protest, nearly 1,000 residents carried signs asking that drivers slow down and help keep their kids safe.
Hospital care is paid for by the resident's own insurance, which such institutions generally require residents to carry.
For now, residents must take containers to plastic water tanks at 15 locations and carry what they can back home.
The law exclusively required Chinese residents to carry a lamp when passing at night.
Until recently Wisconsin did not allow residents to carry a concealed weapon.