When the residency law was passed, the unemployment rate in Westchester was 5.6 percent.
Similar housing concerns prompted Nassau to relax its residency law last year.
You say a residency law may increase the ratio of minority-group officers in the city.
Some critics of the residency laws also say that many municipalities lack the resources and staff to enforce them properly.
There they lived in a legal limbo because of strict Socialist residency laws.
He started to ask her something about the residency laws.
He said that Trenton had a residency law for police officers and firefighters but that law "really doesn't mean anything."
The residency law, he said, would increase the chances "that your public servants would reflect the population they serve."
Plus, the residency law states that you must be a resident on Election Day.
When the movement for moral reform hit the country after the Civil War, Nevada's residency laws went to six months and then to one year.