This controversial approach allowed for the founding of various departments, such as residence life, orientation, financial aid, counseling, career placement and student health.
"This is one of a long series of dealings I've had with residence life," he said.
The student staff is supervised by a graduate student or a full-time residence life professional, sometimes known as the hall director.
By the late 1980s, only the top floor of Justin Hall was used for residence life.
As such, the university emphasized residence life and students were highly involved in on-campus programs which formed a pivotal part of the university experience.
Reflection for personal growth occurs through residence life, guided discussions, and chapel sessions.
It houses dorm rooms and is the headquarters for residence life for the college.
Referrals are made by staff members in residence life, the health service, the counseling office and the student affairs office.
The residence life included a compulsory chore night: Thursday evening.
The opportunity for residence life was eliminated in 1987.