BankAmerica's reserves total 54 percent of its loans to developing nations.
By comparison, proven global gas reserves total 177 trillion cubic metres.
In 2003 estimated reserves of bauxite totaled 5.2 million tons.
In 2003 Venezuela's estimated reserves of iron ore totaled 14.6 million tons.
Its reserves total 82 million ounces, according to the company's June 2003 annual report.
Its reserves on those loans now total a third of that amount.
Its reserves to cover loan losses totaled $1.3 billion at the end of 1987.
Government officials have said that foreign reserves now total $18 billion, nearly triple the figure at the end of last year.
Its reserves now total about $18 billion, an amount that is considered adequate to cover the banking industry's losses.
Proven reserves as of late 2004 totaled 1.37 trillion cubic metres.