Its reserves have shrunk, its debts have grown and its finances have become chaotic.
The economy melts down and the bank's reserves are shrinking.
The central bank's reserves for defending the ruble also have been shrinking.
The disability fund's reserve shrank, however, taking in $20.3 billion and paying out $21.4 billion.
Their reserves, which have become a staple of Long Islanders' electricity appetite, are shrinking accordingly.
Tax collections this year are 21 percent below expectations, and international reserves have shrunk to a less than $800 million.
Since the Russian crisis began last month, foreign reserves have shrunk, from $70 billion to $42 billion, despite moves to protect the currency by doubling interest rates.
The bank's reserves were $21.5 billion in November but had shrunk to $15.5 billion by last week.
As the reserves have shrunk, foreign investors have become increasingly worried that the Government would be forced to devalue the currency.
Mexico's reserves have shrunk from $28 billion last February, to $6.15 billion as of Dec. 31, to $5.55 billion on Friday.