But those reserves will not last forever, so he has used the profits to diversify.
He said he did know how long the reserves would have lasted.
With an estimated average global use of 30,000 kg/year the reserves of the mine would last for 2,000 to 3,000 years.
At current consumption rates our reserves would only last sixty days.
The reserves under our own soil will last 60 to 100 years.
Based on its expenditure of more than S$60 million a year for dialysis, the reserves would last 3 years, it said.
These fat reserves must last the approximately six months of hibernation and spring migration.
Were consumption to continue at that rate, those reserves would last about 285 years.
Even if the present rate of use increases at 10 per cent per year, these reserves would last about 17 years.
At current production rates, he added, Canadian reserves should last for 50 years.