Mineral reserves exceed 4 billion tons.
Qatar's proved reserves of natural gas exceed 7000 km3, more than 5% of the world total, third largest in the world.
Qatar's proved reserves of gas are the third-largest in the world, exceeding 250 trillion cubic feet (7000 km3).
Free reserves - the amount by which excess reserves exceed borrowed reserves.
Kirkuk's remaining reserves, according to estimates by the Energy Information Administration, exceed 10 billion barrels.
Many geologists at major oil companies believe the Russian reserves, currently listed at 60 billion barrels, actually exceed 400 billion barrels.
Moreover, its proven reserves total 150 million tons, while possible reserves may exceed all the rest of the world's reserves combined.
Its reserves already exceed $800 billion and are on track to reach $1 trillion by the end of the year, up from just under $4 billion in 1989.
Total proved coal reserves in the United Kingdom are estimated at 220 million tonnes, although possible reserves could exceed 1 billion tonnes.
Its mining is concentrated mainly near Schelkovo, the reserves exceed 20 million tonnes and the annual production is about 650 tonnes.