The secretary was becoming ever more morose as the voyage continued and now looked up at Sharpe with resentful eyes.
She caught one last glimpse of his small face, hard resentful eyes peering back at her.
His dark eyes resentful, the lanky man finally shrugged, turned and walked out.
So there he sits in his restaurant and looks at his customers with puzzled, resentful eyes.
Then her resentful eyes fixed on me as if she did not believe it could possibly be true.
Several women glanced at Hasson, their eyes speculative and resentful.
Anne looked and forgot for a time the girl with the splendid, resentful eyes.
She stared at him with dark resentful eyes, but still refused to speak.
Seth looked at him, deep-set brown eyes wary and resentful.
He felt their resentful eyes burning the nape of his neck.