A second reason occasionally cited by whites is that the local people resent outsiders.
But because most of the barns he is accused of burning are on property that used to belong to the Shultis family and is now owned by relative newcomers or weekend residents, there is speculation that he resented outsiders.
"Or may simply resent outsiders interfering," Tarma finished glumly.
They resented outsiders.
They all knew each other, and they resented outsiders at big events like this.
While Egyptians are generally hospitable and sophisticated about tourists, Middle Eastern people - whether they're Christian, Moslem or Jewish - tend to resent outsiders idly observing them at worship.
People who were born here appear to resent outsiders, and those of us who have come here don't consider ourselves outsiders.
There may be a problem or two with some of the locals who resent outsiders, but nothing to threaten the hula lessons.
It was dominated by foreign recruits (its leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was Jordanian), limiting its appeal among Iraqis who resented outsiders.
It was normal for the local police to resent outsiders.