The autarch had bought the cargo and resold it at normal prices.
Owners would be able to resell at gradually higher prices.
Others said companies were allocating supplies to keep customers from ordering more than they needed in order to resell at higher prices.
Once abandoned, apartments are taken over by the city and sometimes resold, at very low prices, to the tenants as co-ops.
It will encourage the incumbents to invest more because they won't have to resell at lower prices.
He used to buy villas, construct the baths, and then resell them at greater prices.
Ticket wholesalers buy up huge blocks of tickets and resell them at illegally high prices.
The oil is then resold by Yukos at much higher prices to buyers on the open market.
These material were then resold to veterans and other citizens at reasonable prices.
In some examples, prosecutors said, the firms were able to resell the stock at inflated prices.