In this bundle, all the hydrophobic surfaces are hidden and the researchers surmise that this makes a water-soluble package for a hydrophobic part of the molecule, which actually creates the hole in the insect's gut.
Most protective functions of the skin, including the permeability barrier and the antimicrobial barrier, reside in the stratum corneum (SC) and the researchers surmise that the SC has undergone the most genetic change since the loss of human body hair.
The explanation, the researchers surmise, is that the islanders "exaggerate their island dialect features, whether consciously or not, because they want there to be no mistake that they are 'real' Ocracokers and not tourists or new residents recently relocated from the mainland."
The researchers surmised that the children developed an immune response to common bacterial components called endotoxins, which are found in dust and around many animals.
Comparing angiosperms to these outgroups, researchers have surmised that the first flowering plants were more like today's herbs and grasses than like a bushy flower tree.
The exact mechanism is not well known, but researchers surmise that extra fat around the belly increases the pressure on the stomach, forcing fluid up into the esophagus.
As a consequence, researchers surmise, direct infection with the virus, H.I.V., should be sufficient to account for the destruction of the immune system in people with AIDS.
The researchers surmised the fungus might be spread by insects or birds, or by raindrops, but further research needs to be undertaken to establish how it is dispersed.
Most researchers surmise that the results of the Viking biology experiments can be explained by purely chemical processes that do not require the presence of life, and the GC-MS results rule out life.
Only queens and males develop wings, and because fire ants do not mate in captivity, and because it is difficult to observe tiny insects frolicking 500 to 800 feet in the air, researchers surmise that the mating is airborne.