The researchers also searched for cases outside Britain and found no similar pattern in countries that had a similar surveillance system.
The researchers next searched for correlations between these companies' exclusions and the performance of their stocks over the next three years.
Australian researchers are currently searching for a new, innovative way to produce artificial skin.
The arrangement will allow researchers to search electronically through the computerized files of 640 newspapers, magazines, news services and financial data sources.
This phase requires the researchers to search for data that supports or refutes the proposed theory.
Seven years later, researchers searched official records to determine which of the men had died.
The researchers are still searching for a full explanation.
Anthropologists and other researchers have long searched the globe for people isolated from the modern world.
I hope that this award will further encourage researchers to search for new solutions in the field of global energy.
However, due to its cost and the risk of complications, researchers are searching for other effective yet less invasive treatments.