So far, researchers have not pinpointed any way to prevent the condition, although they know it can also be caused by diseases like diabetes.
By comparing patients genomes with those of unaffected people, researchers can pinpoint the variants associated with the disease.
That information should help researchers pinpoint West Nile's vulnerabilities and develop drugs to disarm it.
But their cases helped researchers pinpoint leishmaniasis as the unexpected villain.
The researchers cannot yet pinpoint the source of the pollution within Asia.
The warning about raw meat was issued after researchers for the first time pinpointed the carrier of the bacteria in a case in June.
These appear as dots on the screen and permit researchers to pinpoint their location.
This hybrid approach should allow researchers to gradually pinpoint the affective phenomenon.
The five-year project will help researchers pinpoint vulnerable regions of insects' genomes, which could be targeted with pesticides.
Oct. 15, 2007 - The health benefits of garlic have been touted for centuries, but now researchers may have pinpointed at least one reason why.