The microfilms turn out to contain the results for a top secret project, and a researcher named Karenski is the only one at the plant working with bees.
A researcher named Alex brought Arkady a brandy.
In 1991, a researcher named Gary Peak contacted Lloyd Patterson, a witness to the rescue and recovery operation.
If you need to be very precise, there are several theories (a researcher named Pitzer published a famous one, for instance) that help you get more accurate.
A researcher named Sanjelman and his secretary are talking about something, and Sanjelman smiles.
Its protagonist, a researcher named Tanner, discovers evidence of a person with psychic abilities among his coworkers.
The drug proved ineffective against tuberculosis but in 1959 a researcher named Chang identified its effectiveness against leprosy.
One of the most prominent examples of confirmation bias involved another French researcher, named Jacques Benveniste.
A researcher named Jaunte set fire to his bench and himself (accidentally) and let out a yell for help with particular reference to a fire extinguisher.
She also was an overseer at the Royal Palace, and worked with a researcher named (-)-ninu, whose first part of her name has been lost.