The researcher can manipulate both the rod, the frame and the participant's chair in different angles of tilts.
In some of the most recent experiments researchers carefully manipulate the way rumors are presented to more precisely weigh what makes people believe them or not.
The researchers manipulated the citation counts of articles, and managed to make Google Scholar index complete fake articles, some containing advertising.
But with pictures of the fragments in digital form, the researchers could easily manipulate them on computer screens.
In field experiments, researchers manipulate one or more independent variables in a natural setting to determine the effect on behavior.
In addition, the computational models can also help to generate new testable hypothesis and allow researchers to manipulate conditions which might not be possible in normal experimentation.
In another experiment, researchers manipulated the temperature (17 C, 27 C and 37 C) while keeping humidity constant.
In this study, researchers manipulated three variables that were expected to influence attitude change under compulsion.
AIDS activists in New York City have charged that the researchers deliberately manipulated the system to increase the size of the trial.
Using morphing software, German researchers manipulated the features of one woman into 243 variations with different leg lengths, weights, bust sizes, and hip and waist widths.