To obtain it, researchers at the Fidia Pharmaceutical Corporation, in Washington, which produces the drug and also sponsored the Maryland study, extracted it from the brain tissue of cows.
Over the next few years, researchers successfully extracted portions of DNA from the quagga tissue - an achievement that in 1984 made front-page news throughout the world.
In the Evolutionary Biology laboratory researchers are extracting DNA from living birds or specimens to uncover the relationships among species.
The researchers successfully extracted stem cells from 18 blastocysts.
By studying the change in the photons, researchers can extract information about how fast and in which direction the galaxies were moving.
First, the researchers extract the two human genes we know are responsible for producing hemoglobin in the human body.
In the early part of 2006, researchers at Cornell monitored the GIOVE-A signal and extracted the PRN codes.
The researchers extracted DNA from the samples and analyzed it.