Publicly funded researchers generally concentrate on basic medical discoveries.
In this field researchers often concentrate on how particular phenomena relate to matters of ideology, nationality, ethnicity, social class, and/or gender.
Medical researchers will concentrate instead on smaller, less complex pumps that assist, rather than replace, ailing hearts.
The profit incentive causes researchers to concentrate their energies on projects which are perceived as likely to generate profits.
The original studies were made in the 1970s, but petered out in the 1980s as researchers concentrated on individual learning strategies.
Especially researcher typically concentrates on this one of the reposition process.
Subsequent researchers have concentrated on the now famous question of Kohlberg: Is there a life after 25?
Today, researchers are concentrating on topics like cognitive load and information processing theory.
Often researchers concentrate on defining the applicability function for various spatial relations.
Some critics say that researchers have concentrated on the biology of asthma and neglected environmental aspects.