Moreover, I am a computing professional as a research mathematician and feel that this lack of service significantly affects my research environment.
The hard core of real mathematics is extremely difficult, and it takes six or seven years to train a research mathematician after they leave school.
As well as being a research mathematician, Gottschalk also put on two exhibits of mathematical sculptures in the 1960s.
"For outstanding research mathematicians are unable to teach the pitfalls, since they never fall into the pits."
Each batch of students is assigned to a faculty of active research mathematicians.
He is an insider, a research mathematician.
It transferred me out of the Technicorps and reclassi-fied me as a research mathematician.
Three months ago, a research mathematician was dismissed from his job at the Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory for security violations.
The impact of Bourbaki's work initially was great on many active research mathematicians world-wide.
What was much more to the point was the statement made by one of the research mathematicians.