Recent research into co-receptors for p75, such as the sortilin co-receptor, has implicated sortillin in connection to neurotrophins, a type of nerve growth factor.
Other research has implicated PM in irregular heart rhythm, reduced heart rate variability (decreased vagal tone), and most notably heart failure.
Recent research implicates areas in the occipital lobe as partially responsible for inefficient change detection.
He said scientific research had implicated civets but had not yet found definite proof that the animals are the source of SARS.
Recent research has also implicated these novel receptors in muscle growth and bone cell differentiation and proliferation.
This and other research implicates pepsin in carcinogenesis attributed to gastric reflux.
Some research implicates viruses like Epstein Barr, which causes infectious mononucleosis as a possible catalyst for the disease:
Current research, often in transgenic animal models, implicates both apoptotic and non-apoptotic pathways in neurodegeneration.
International scientists caution that research to date has implicated the civet but not yet convicted the animal as the source of SARS.
Nor does he say whether the research implicates all television watching or only certain programs or perhaps the news.