Archeology's Sophistication "This is a research frontier for climatologists," Dr. Weiss said in an interview.
Loeb was among the very first theorists to trigger the research frontier on the "cosmic dawn" of the first stars and galaxies.
To keep in close touch with developments at the research frontier, he wants to stay within four miles of the center.
"Today, he's right at the research frontier in this field and in a better position than most academics to say where theory meshes with experience."
This provides an unprecedented opportunity for investigators to translate knowledge about diseases into tangible tools and to reshape their research frontier toward a cure.
In many cases, scientists say, the physiological role of the metals, minerals and compounds processed by microbes is poorly understood and represents a research frontier.
On one research frontier, scientists are isolating and mass-producing genes from one strain of bacteria that produces an antibiotic that kills disease organisms.
Abraham has been involved in the research frontier and the development of dynamical systems theory in the 1960s and 1970s.
Experimenter's regress occurs at the "research frontier" where the outcome of research is uncertain, for the scientist is dealing with "novel phenomena".