On 15 November 2006, he received a further three year appointment as an unpaid 'research collaborator' at the NMNH.
ICROSS has a long established research programme with a number of different patrners and research collaborators.
He was also found guilty of three counts related to a shipment of plague samples to his research collaborators in Tanzania without the proper permit.
Every employee, visitor, facility user and research collaborator is expected to put safety above all other concerns.
At the Salk Institute, Churchland has worked with Terrence Sejnowski's lab as a research collaborator.
For most of the last quarter-century, he has been associated with Princeton as a "visiting research collaborator" without formal obligations to the institution.
José Luis Duomarco (h) and others were some of his research collaborators.
She retired from Brookhaven in 1977 but returned in 1985 as a research collaborator, an association she continued until 1990.
What really was on Philips' mind this morning was a meeting with his research collaborator, William Michaels.
The centre's director, Godfrey Lance, was later to become a regular research collaborator of Williams.