MIT required that graduate students have research advisors.
Basically, the fact that you are doing research already is a BIG plus and letters of rec from your research advisor will be very helpful.
Altom's suicide caused controversy because he explicitly blamed Corey, his research advisor, for his suicide.
His research advisor and intellectual mentor was Eugene Giles.
He was research advisor to the Department of Defense for 15 years.
Head of that department (1971-79) and research advisor (1998-2002).
Professor Lancaster is the research advisor for the Buddha's Birthday Education Project.
One thing he had learned, which would serve him well if he ever did go on to graduate school, was to be very careful in choosing his research advisor.
"I was thinkin' about becoming a biologist in the late nineties," his former research advisor said.
Karcher is a medical policy and research advisor, having performed data collection and analysis of treatment protocols for physicians in a multi-office practice.