Like this audio play, the former had a whale that rescued humans and the latter involved carving one up for mass consumer food distribution.
MeMe - Mind shut down by Jean Grey to rescue humans he absorbed.
All around him, other robots were also rescuing humans from imminent death and severe injury wherever they could.
Doyle had a proposition: Angel could redeem himself and earn back his mortality by rescuing humans from the clutches of evil demons.
A number of militaries have employed dolphins for various purposes from finding mines to rescuing lost or trapped humans.
He called town officials three times by cellphone, he said - his electricity was dead - but they explained to him that they had to rescue humans before animals, so he waited.
I may be able to rescue other humans still lost in the plains of this planet-though I must tell you there are few such.
He knew that Jayge and Aramina owed their lives to shipfish; even Master Idarolan swore that the sleek big sea creatures would rescue humans in stormy areas.
During the course of the game, the player is given chances to rescue other humans and add them to his tribe.
After rescuing the Beastials, humans, and Naoko that were trapped in the sewers with Venom and Carnage, he left Spider-Man and go to on his way.