Some of his new colleagues express skepticism that a career in opinion journalism is the requisite background for a White House staffer.
It's hard to add the requisite background of speed and noise to the dialogue; try reading this while sitting in the washing machine on a fast spin.
The United States allows any citizen from any country to sit for the patent bar (if he/she has the requisite technical background).
He had seen all the applicable scary movies: He had the requisite background for such speculation.
Zombies, lacking the requisite "literary" background, remain taboo.
This short, concise book stretches back to when Iraq was Mesopotamia, and later when it was part of the Ottoman empire, to establish the requisite background.
"And I'm convinced that he has the requisite background, knowledge, experience and the zeal to reform, which is the critical part."
The only problem with housekeeping was that the people wouldn't have the requisite background in physiology or pharmacology.
An Act of 3 May 1850 P.L. 654 authorized the voters of each of Pennsylvania's counties to elect one person, of requisite legal background to serve as District Attorney for a term of three years.
Johnson was always quick to praise what he described as fantastic coaching input, without having the requisite background to make those assessments.