But they both came of age in Mississippi, and that experience shaped an intimacy that requires few words.
Whatever they had to say to each other did not seem to require words.
The hourlong production, intended for children 7 and up, expands on a theme that doesn't really require words.
Waff continued reading as though there had been no interruption: "Understanding requires words.
But, when it comes to a bigger and more complex thought that requires words, that's where she's had the trouble.
His first confession had required words, written down and signed, but this one didn't.
And different contexts requiring different words for the same thing.
At the most, it was a feeling, and feelings do not require words in order to be experienced or comprehended.
This challenge requires words that are the literary equivalent of optical illusions.
As a politician, he knew the value of a debate--but sometimes they didn't require words.