The dogs require regular vaccination to minimize outbreaks of diseases like kennel cough.
In most regions, house rabbits do not require vaccination; however, vaccines are prophylactic against myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease where these vaccines are legally permitted.
Honduras requires vaccination against yellow fever for those traveling to Honduras from countries where there is the risk of transmission.
The organizations did not define the criteria for which regions should require vaccination.
As a result of that incident, a number of towns have moved to require vaccination and licensing of cats.
States can decide whether or not to require vaccination of children prior to their enrollment in schools or child care.
Perhaps the military's persistence in requiring vaccination of all its personnel will create an opportunity for scientists to study whether vaccinations both cause and prevent disease.
In an attempt to eliminate the risk of outbreaks of some diseases, at various times several governments and other institutions have instituted policies requiring vaccination for all people.
The illness is not severe enough to require vaccination.
For example, an 1853 law required universal vaccination against smallpox in England and Wales, with fines levied on people who did not comply.