It requires Federal agencies to review regulations for their effect on private property.
If adopted, it could require Switzerland to review its free movement of people treaty with the European Union.
The investigative agency's finding requires Congress to review the law, and it puts the lawmakers in an awkward position.
The bill would require agencies to review their rules, but only those imposing huge costs without significant benefits are in jeopardy.
This required the FCC to review their ownership rules every four years.
The authority would be able to circumvent the rules that require numerous agencies to review repair contracts.
The new system requires full-time professional arbitrators and a panel of doctors to review claims.
Requires Congress to review long-term budget trends every five years and provides a fast-track legislative process to put federal spending on a sustainable path.
The law requires courts to review restrictions on religious practices in prison with heightened skepticism.
The law requires federal agencies to periodically review and report on major programs that are susceptible to improper payments.