The process was complex and exacting, requiring technicians with extensive chemistry training and large, complex machinery.
The containers took up too much room; they required specially trained technicians to maintain calibration or the contents would spoil.
However, they required some specialists and technicians.
Also, there had been major advances in electronics, requiring technicians to have much better knowledge of theory.
He was endorsing a bill that would require all legal representatives and technicians to be rescreened every five years, at their own expense.
Each method requires specialized equipment and factory trained technicians.
"Die Soldaten" requires 105 players and technicians, including an enormous percussion battery.
These tasks require skilled and experienced technicians, and potential instrument repair costs due to continuous sample processing can be costly.
After all, who invents the new instrument models that require new-model technicians?
The plan also projects that AIDS care will require 15,000 more nurses, technicians and therapists.