Talking of the Rangers and the cup requires suspension of logical and realistic thought.
In much of science fiction, the reason for the abundance of humanoid aliens is not explained and requires suspension of disbelief.
Our Wilsonian phase just took too much effort, required too much suspension of deeper, stronger feelings.
Many also have policies requiring suspension or expulsion when a student is arrested, and some intervene even when the police have not been contacted.
For the placebo to work, you have to believe it, but sometimes believing requires suspension of your connection with verifiable fact.
"All of this might require suspension of some rules," he cautioned.
He walked 5 to 10 miles every day and was projected to have at least 16 years left before requiring cryonic suspension.
Margery considered motherhood a full-time job, requiring suspension of her writing activities.
Video games are also said to require suspension of disbelief.
The city's bill would give localities the authority to serve summonses by mail, make mandatory the maximum $500 fine and require suspension of scofflaws' licenses.