The trigger requires five to eight pounds of pressure, depending on the gun.
The 700,000-square-foot Brentwood facility in Washington is more than twice the size of the one here and required 2,000 pounds.
The state's current child-restraint law requires children 4 and under, or 40 pounds or less, to be in car seats.
No one knows, however, whether enough was extracted to build a bomb, which would require 8 to 16 pounds of plutonium.
Tell him the artist is working on a larger painting and requires seventy-five pounds for it.
For example, a 60-pound bow with 80% let-off will only require 12 pounds of force to hold at full draw.
The final canvas was nearly 2,400 square feet (220 sq. meters) and required 440 pounds of paint.
A ratepayer required 1000 pounds worth of property to stand for election.
The plans, which are expected to require several billion pounds of extra government spending, would also face a tough battle in the cabinet, Burstow suggested.
The old 24-pounder shot required for its discharge sixteen pounds of powder.