The lower house has 580 members, and 28 more would give him the 10 percent required to bring the measure to the floor.
And the current law only requires 15 percent of the rest to be in a program.
The bill would also require 60 percent of all campaign money to be raised from individuals in a candidate's home state.
Now, we only require 3 percent of those parts adjustments.
Election to the hall required 318, or 75 percent, of the 423 votes cast.
They had required 75 percent to proceed with the purchase.
By the year 2012 they will require 97 percent of all the oil in the Gulf?
The national debt reached $80 million, and required nearly 80 percent of annual government expenditures.
The entire project would require approximately 4 percent of Jordan's current electrical production.
Regulations now require 60 percent of a television station's schedule to be Canadian.