It was decided in favor of state laws requiring racial segregation in public transport.
In 1954, 17 states required racial segregation in the public schools and four more allowed it.
By an 8-1 margin, the Court upheld a state law requiring racial segregation even on interstate transportation.
In 1949-1950, a local crisis centered on Mosier Valley School, as parents and school employees struggled against state law requiring racial segregation.
South Carolina law required incomplete segregation.
State laws allowing discrimination and requiring segregation assured that black entertainers were not allowed the same benefits and opportunities as white ones.
That law, adopted in 1949, is the basic statute requiring residential segregation.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended all state and local laws requiring segregation.
These videos would require segregation from non-pornographic videos.
Intangible property, by its very nature, does not require segregation.