Governor Cuomo will preserve the law requiring screening of child-care workers.
If so, this should be treated as a warning sign of heightened esophageal cancer risk, requiring screening.
He later led a movement to put pressure on the Health Ministry to require screening of blood supplies used by the country's hospitals and clinics.
The investigative reports led to legislation requiring better screening for those being considered for hiring.
Almost all programs require screening of volunteers, and about 80 percent require some training.
The rules require additional screening on packages from outside the country and ban some printer cartridges.
Finding the right renter, particularly for a long period, requires screening.
Instead, one generic figure is used for all passengers and small yellow boxes are placed on areas of the body requiring additional screening.
The new policy, established in response to a court suit, will require rigorous screening as well as provide the families with stipends.
But the organizers of most public events, from international summit meetings to sports contests, do not require special screening.