The Safe Drinking Water Act requires EPA to periodically review the regulation for each contaminant and revise it, if appropriate.
The lawsuit announced today contends that a section of the Clean Air Act requires the E.P.A. to review and revise its regulation over pollutants every eight years, something the plaintiffs say the agency has not done in 20 years.
The Safe Drinking Water Act requires EPA to periodically review and revise contaminants, if appropriate, based on new scientific data.
These proposed revisions are in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act as amended, which requires EPA to review and revise, as appropriate, each national primary drinking water regulation promulgated under the Safe Drinking Water Act not less often than every six years.
The accession requires us to evaluate and revise the structural policy, including that of the Cohesion Fund, but in my opinion, not so many changes are required.