Although some children with apnea begin breathing again on their own or when shaken, others require mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to survive.
If you do not require resuscitation, you won't be as receptive to the cloying pleas of "Uncle Nino."
When feverish patients with evidence of bleeding require resuscitation or intensive care, body substance isolation precautions should be taken.
Two patients required cardiopulmonary resuscitation at some point in the hospital admission before transplantation, a further patient requiring rescusitation after an angiographic procedure.
Although most infants with apnea revive when awakened or shaken, a few require mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
The weak foals may be incapable of breathing on their own and require resuscitation.
That, he said, left the child to be born with the cord "wrapped tightly around her neck, not breathing, and requiring immediate resuscitation."
The baby may require immediate advanced resuscitation and therapy.
Replies: Miranda, The human body is not perfectly efficient, so some of your "expired" air does contain oxygen - enough to assist a person requiring resuscitation.
Clinically, the vast majority of people requiring resuscitation will require intubation, making a DNI alone problematic.