The campaign finance bill proposed by Senate Democrats would require restrictions on the use and disclosure of soft money.
Businesses usually argue to regulators that nano-materials are not different enough from known substances to require special restrictions on their development or use.
It will require restrictions and confidence-building measures towards other nuclear countries.
Three times over the last five years the textile industry persuaded Congress to pass legislation requiring more restrictions.
Getting all states to zero would require far-reaching restrictions on technology transfers and intrusive inspections to prevent proliferation.
They say that a red alert would probably require a shutdown of many government facilities and severe restrictions on air and rail travel.
The World Bank required tight restrictions on oil revenues as a condition of its loans.
But the higher savings often require greater restrictions on patients' choices.
Surgery is disciplined and, accordingly, requires certain restrictions in dress.
You may resume your normal diet, unless you are scheduled for other tests that require dietary restrictions.