He required physical restraint and was then taken to the local psychiatric hospital by the police.
Helping your children choose careers without having your good intentions backfire can require patience and restraint.
Senator Mitchell's first point, getting past the marching season, will require unusual restraint on the part of Orange Protestant groups.
The plan seems to be based on rules that require fiscal restraint among the 17 members of the eurozone.
Today, the new plans require restraint.
A bold move for peace would require enormous strength and restraint, but it is needed to end the cycles of destruction.
While the Federal government required less restraint, it did not offer suggestions on how to do it.
Another essay argues that healing racism requires civility and restraint, not the self-expression of a "national conversation."
In trying to understand the President's tough decisions one might wonder: When middle-class entitlements require restraint, should new ones be created?
It also requires restraint on the Israeli side.