And every state bar has ethics rules requiring competent representation for criminal defendants.
The law does not require independent counseling, nor legal representation for the birth mother.
Increasing perception among low-income individuals that they have recourse if they require civil legal information, counseling, or representation.
Both of these tasks require explicit representation and enactment of scientific processes, and have challenging performance requirements.
A person who is eligible to vote but isn't registered still requires political representation.
He has argued that computation is a kind of mechanistic process that does not require representation.
American business executives creating markets and jobs and American travelers needing help required "superb diplomatic representation," she said.
Clubbing people with things requires Christian-value religious representation?
Clinic students represent clients who are residents of the Spokane area, require legal representation, and who are without the means to hire a traditional lawyer.
The complexities and the heavy demands of administering a rapidly developing community required professional management and larger representation.