It would require regulators to intervene earlier at banks in poor shape, including prohibiting dividend payments by institutions that have management problems.
The proposal would protect insured deposits by requiring banks to maintain large reserves and requiring regulators to intervene once those reserves dip below pre-set levels.
The deal requires the approval of Farmers' shareholders as well as regulators in the primary states where the insurer does business.
The bill restores accountability by ensuring openness and transparency in the regulatory process and by requiring regulators to select the least costly alternative to regulations when appropriate.
No, he decided, "there's something escapably criminal" about that process, that requires "regulators, prosecutors and an ethics that the ambitious and wealthy will live by."
A better bill requiring regulators to pay attention to costs without destroying their ability to protect the public has been offered by Senator William Roth, Republican of Delaware.
Under law, banks are required to vet the background of their customers, report outsized movements of cash and alert regulators when any banking activities are suspicious.
The new framework will deregulate, requiring regulators progressively to remove regulation as it becomes unnecessary, so that they regulate only when there is market failure.
The European single market requires powerful national regulators, but we are also in need of a European regulator that will deal with cross-border problems.
His advisers say his plan also would require federal regulators to establish a minimum drug benefit package for the program.