Voting requires registering, and time is about to run out.
Laws in many places now require registering guests to present a government-issued photo identification, especially when paying with cash.
The executive summary requires registering for their website... Am I correct in interpreting this to mean "someone ran a static code analysis tool on a bunch of applications, then assigned a dollar value to each finding and added it all up".
But by 1906, the Dominion Government, in the person of Frank Oliver, the Minister of Interior, started requiring registering the land in the name of individual owners.
Writing kernels in PTX requires explicitly registering PTX modules via the CUDA Driver API, typically more cumbersome than using the CUDA Runtime API and NVIDIA's CUDA compiler, nvcc.
Oxygen, which denied in the text of the agreement that it sought to attract children, said it would require registering teenagers to give their age and prevent children under 13 from registering for interactive parts of its sites.
The basic OpenDNS service does not require users to register, but using the block/filter feature requires registering and logging in.
Specialisation is usually a five- to seven-year training process (depending on the specialty) requiring registering as a medical registrar attached to an academic clinical department in a large teaching hospital with appropriate examinations.