Ministries are led by a member of the cabinet and deal with state matters that require direct political oversight.
The department objected to the scope of the bill and complained that it would require too much oversight.
The tablets would be a likely scenario a couple of years from now, because they require less training, oversight and initial cost.
If the proper home care services were in place, they would still not be appropriate for the individual who requires protective oversight.
Among other things, naval technology was becoming increasingly complex during the first half of the 19th century, and required more specialized oversight.
Even with the best of intentions, an independent Kosovo will require international forces and strong oversight for a long time.
Make the firing of bullets an act requiring legal oversight in all cases.
Those are the largest, most powerful firms, and require close oversight.
Implementation of these program and policy improvements will require close oversight by the committee.
All of them will require risk assessment and oversight.