It upheld state power to require pregnant minors to consult their parents or obtain a judge's permission before any abortion.
The Florida Supreme Court yesterday struck down a law requiring minors seeking abortions to notify their parents first.
The Court also upheld an Ohio law requiring minors to give one parent notice before terminating a pregnancy.
The state already had a 24-hour mandatory waiting period and a law requiring minors to get the consent of both parents.
Twenty-five states have laws that require minors seeking abortions to notify or to obtain consent from at least one parent, Ms. Pine said.
On the other hand, he supports restrictions on abortion that make "common sense," like requiring minors seeking abortions to have their parents' consent.
The Mainstream Forum would cut off additional aid to mothers who give birth while on welfare and would require minors receiving cash assistance to live at home.
A Federal district judge here has overturned a brand-new Tennessee law that would have required minors who seek abortions to obtain their parents' consent.
He also sponsored a law that would have required minors to notify their legal guardians before receiving an abortion.
In 1989, the Florida Supreme Court struck down a law requiring minors to get parental consent before having an abortion.