Empire's financial problems won't end tomorrow, when a new law will require commercial insurers to charge community rates.
The California legislation, which failed last spring, would have required insurers to offer a $180 no-frills policy as part of an insurance overhaul.
It would make much more sense to require private insurers to offer potential customers a menu of policies identical in every detail except price.
But critics say this would require patients, doctors, hospitals and insurers to go through a new level of bureaucracy before getting to the Federal courts.
Now, a bill is pending in the House to require private insurers to cover mammograms for women under 50.
Under one program, the government would require insurers to cover necessary vaccines, then reimburse them for the costs.
New Jersey is requiring insurers to offer coverage to small groups.
He hopes to come up with a bill that would, among other things, require insurers to cover "reputable programs" to lose weight.
Would have required insurers to cover the cost of contraceptives.
The mandates require insurers who sell policies in a particular state to offer or provide certain coverage.