A U.S. district court held that a county policy requiring filters on all of its public library Internet computers was an unconstitutional restriction of free speech.
The jail project, he said, not only required special filters but also bars over the ventilation ducts.
Unlike storage in pools next to reactors, this does not require pumps and filters, which can break down.
These blue wavelengths are present in virtually all light sources, therefore their elimination requires special lights or filters which appear amber.
Wide bandwidth matching requires filters with multiple sections.
The ThinPrep method requires an instrument and special polycarbonate filters.
Unlike digital audio systems, analog systems do not require filters for bandlimiting.
Oil bath cleaners require only the addition of standard motor oil rather than replaceable filters.
Aside from the federal effort, a growing number of state and local governments have moved to require filters, a trend that librarians have joined forces to combat.
A MMC is considerably larger than a comparable-rated 2-level converter, although this may be offset by the saving in space from not requiring filters.