P.G.D., which requires in vitro fertilization, can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Their bodies would be moved into areas requiring fertilization, to serve the greater self.
It requires fertilization two times a year so it can grow better.
Many flowering plants with pseudogamous apomixis require fertilization to produce the endosperm of the seed.
They also require little fertilization because of their vigorous growth.
Seed production requires both successful pollination and fertilization, so the conditions inside the enclosures must remain suitable for pollen-tube growth and fertilization.
The potato fields also require fertilization by seaweed in a climate shaped by the nearby sea.
Pelecinus polyturator is parthenogenic; females do not require fertilization by males to reproduce.
In contrast to St. Augustine Grass, it generally requires less fertilization and is less prone to insect and fungus damage, depending on environmental conditions.
They are very heavy feeders in cultivation and require regular fertilization and have high nitrogen requirements.