A deep commitment to preservation of open space requires familiarity with the land - a sense of place.
It has a forms based authoring capability that doesn't require familiarity with html.
In addition, reading the manuscript itself requires familiarity with the letterforms of the native script.
Nighttime fly casting requires complete familiarity with one's gear.
Hence, interpreting signs requires familiarity with the sets of conventions or codes currently in use to communicate meaning.
A new idea need not require familiarity with the latest scientific advances.
It includes loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality and familiarity.
Counter-insurgent forces require familiarity with the local culture, mores and language or they will experience numerous difficulties.
It requires enough familiarity with either a partner or one's own responses to be able to vary the intensity and the timing of the stimulation accurately.
To truly understand the term "decartelization" requires familiarity with the term "cartel".