"Unfortunately, they would require extensive study and experimentation before they could be applied in this case."
And because art requires experimentation, there will be something just a little different among the masterworks at Tate Britain.
Science requires testing, experimentation, and empirically grounded criticism, none of which played any role in the film.
Developing a successful design requires experimentation, teamwork, and organization.
The evaluation of this hypothesis will require additional experimentation.
All of these required much experimentation, but he soon had enough success to patent the process a year later.
It requires early experimentation and testing in large-scale environments, even though some of these ideas might only be implemented in the long-term.
Understanding the mechanisms of life requires extensive, often repetitive, experimentation.
All three methods require out-of-competition experimentation and work best when they are used as close to competition as possible.
Sometimes, that process requires experimentation with different antibiotics to see if they eliminate bacteria.