Yet early reaction to the Administration's bonus plan, which is a new element in its five-year productivity improvement program and will require formal Congressional endorsement, is different.
Bludgeoned by a pro-European political establishment and press, the country's 3.9 million electors looked set to put the treaty - which legally requires endorsement by all 12 EC states - back on track.
Because each level of Baptist life is autonomous, changes at the national level do not require approval or endorsement by the state conventions or local associations.
The scheme has the huge advantage of not requiring endorsement by all the parliaments of eurozone countries.
Both proposals contained elements that would have required popular endorsement of the solution through a referendum of the concerned populations.
(This form does not require endorsement by Customs at the import office).
Cheques requiring endorsement are:
Chaplains were paid $20 per month, a captain's salary, and required no formal ordination or endorsement by a religious organisation.
The printed EAD does not require endorsement by the National Clearance Hub (HUB) in Salford.
However, a manual EAD will require endorsement by UKBA.