Foreign tourists require necessary documents to enter Sikkim state and have to show them at the border police post.
At the same meeting, the Council voted 48 to 1 to require documents and materials produced by the city to use gender-neutral language.
Lawyers who have handled pardon applications say the process requires legal arguments and documents like those used in a typical court case.
Countries which do not have formal identity documents may require informal documents.
That process required various documents and took Ms. Ramos a little more time to explain.
The procedure may require other documents when this type of claim is filed.
Most investigations are carried out under section 447 of the Companies Act 2006 which gives the power to require documents and information as detailed above.
Freedom of movement is prevented by the fact that certain Member States are permitted to require additional documents.
It has the power to issue notices requiring documents to be produced or for witnesses to attend before the tribunal.
Each of these methods requires a specific notice/s and/or additional documents.