You mention that there are new state laws requiring doctors to discuss organ donation with patients and families.
The bill would also have required doctors to do viability tests before performing abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy.
Would have required doctors to notify parents before performing an abortion on minors under age 16 still living at home.
Six states have passed laws requiring doctors to report drivers who were drunk during a car crash, among them Oregon.
The other would have required doctors to notify a parent at least two days before performing an abortion on a minor.
And it requires doctors who sell drugs, often as a lucrative sideline, to get licenses to do so.
But critics say this would require patients, doctors, hospitals and insurers to go through a new level of bureaucracy before getting to the Federal courts.
In addition, the organization developed language for state laws requiring doctors to advise patients about the health risks from abortions.
Informed consent, central to the doctor-patient relationship, requires honest doctors.
This first-hand knowledge has highlighted for me the dangers of requiring doctors to work such long hours.